
Internet / Dating


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 Dating the Opposite
You meet a guy online that is not your type. But, he is easygoing, somewhat attractive, makes legit plans with you, and basically treats you how you have always dreamed. The only thing is, you’re just not that into him. In matters of the heart, sometimes butterflies don’t appear as fast as you want them to. How can you tell whether it’s time to make or break?

Some Things Take Time
When you start dating a guy who isn’t your type but does everything else right, don’t just ditch him cause you aren’t “feeling it” yet. If you give him a fair chance, he could just sweep you off of your feet.

 Don’t let the good ones get away
Usually women feel this way when they are holding onto feelings for another man, or hanging onto the image of their dream guy. Lots of opportunities are lost because women don’t give the “right” guys a chance. If he treats you well, you have great conversations, and he wants to spend time with you, the attraction can eventually develop. In order to move on, you need to let go, and removing those exes from your phone and Facebook is a good start. Don’t let the good ones get away and the bad ones get their way.

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 Is he my type?
Ever hear of the saying “opposites attract”? Being with a guy who likes the same things you do or has the same taste as you is not a bad thing, but it doesn’t mean you’re compatible. Sometimes it’s good to be with someone who can give you a fresh perspective on things you never thought you would like or even try. If he is more of the serious type and you are more of the goofy type, you can help him bring more of his humorous side out while he can help you take life more seriously when you need to.

 A part of growing
Too many times I have heard from women who say they gave a guy who they would never think of going for a chance, and most of the time they end up happy. When you can learn from each other, it’s just another part of growing. Healthy relationships exist because of couples growing and changing together.

Don’t Force It
If it’s been a few months, and you still aren’t feeling it and can’t see a future with this guy, then it’s time to call things off. It’s not good to lead him on if he is more into than you are into him. Don’t waste his time. It’s called dating for a reason, and just because he wasn’t for you doesn’t mean that Mr. Right isn’t just around the corner.

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Opgericht: 06-07-2022
Gewijzigd: 04-02-2025
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